June 11: Marathon training
Life, especially the life of an early-stage entrepreneur, is full of gigantic ups and downs. Make sure you don't let yourself get too high or too low. It's a marathon, and you just have to keep your legs moving at a steady pace. Chieh Huang
With my new fitness journey, I am so enjoying being out and exercising again. On our Sunday afternoon walk I came across a pile of books someone was throwing out, and picked up the first one, which was 'Training for your first marathon'....so naturally brought it home. I was so inspired that I decided to start the program immediately. The last time I ran any distance was probably 15 years ago, and the most I ever did was a half marathon - so a full marathon is definitely on my bucket list, but I had kind of forgotten about it thinking that I would never manage to get that fit again. Well, never say never, and the training suggested in the book takes a good nine months before you are ready...and I have nine months...so today was the first day towards my first marathon!! With running, as with life, there are roller-coaster ups and downs...but one of the ups is that if you run outside you are likely to encounter soul-touching scenery if you just open your eyes. The everyday that you drive past becomes a place of beauty, making the climb of every rise something to look forward to so you can enjoy the view from the top!
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