
Showing posts from May, 2018

May 24: Veggie garden

May 23: Rivers after rain

May 22: Patiently waiting

May 21: More spring flowers

May 20: Sparkling last!

May 18: Senior prom

May 19: Flowering trellis

May 17: Home alone...

May 16: Magic carpet ride

May 15: Lost in time

May 14: Happy Mother's Day

May 13: Silver at Dad Vail!

May 12: Family togetherness

May 11: When in New York....

May 9: Philly practice 

May 10: NYC Adventure

May 8: Spring at its best - goose family

May 7: Apple blossoms

May 6: Work day?

May 5: Dog and Mouse

May 4: Hoof rats in the garden!

May 3: More birthday celebrations, this time in California!!

May 2: Ocean Grove sailor

May 1: Magnolia in bloom

April 30: It's official! CalPoly it is!!

April 28: Champions!!!

April 29: Garden gnomes

April 27: Prayerful contemplation

April 26: Anyone for a book?

April 25: Spring at last...really!

April 21: Olympic training center

April 24: Birthday outing to the shore

April 23: Earth Day activities

April 22: Band invitational

April 20: Friday fun