January 13: Honesty

The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty. Zig Ziglar

The scuff marks all over this phone are testament to honesty, and faith in humankind...where we live, anyway. We went to do the grocery shopping this evening and along the way lost this phone....it fell out of a pocket and we had no idea where, only discovering it was missing when we arrived home. SO, we hopped back into the car with all the stress of imagining what has to be done when you lose a phone, and drove the 7 miles to the shops, and searched the parking lots and stores...no luck...until....there it was, neatly placed face down on the curb. It must have been driven over, but someone spotted it, and picked it up, placing it near where it had been lost, just in case the owner realized, and went to look for it! Relief, joy, and elation, and it is still working!! Our faith in humanity has been restored, and we are grateful that the fundamental characters of success have been instilled in others.


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