January 8: Icicles and burst pipes

Sometimes, when the wind hits hard and icicles form on the sea cliffs, we can all come together - and at those times, we are at our best. John Burnside

I decided not to park in my usual parking place today to avoid calls to insurance companies...because there were growing 2 foot icicles attached to the gutters, just waiting to drop down and pierce my car's hood. However, the calls were not avoided completely because with the temperatures increasing slightly the previously frozen pipes start thawing....causing increased pressure, and yup with increased pressure  - burst pipes!! A flood in the basement where the kindergarten is homed and uncontrollable fire alarms because the sprinkler control box was saturated. My first call to 911 to get the Fire Department in to legitimately turn off the water supply. I am grateful for the lessons learned, and what not to do in an emergency.


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