August 2: Military Park, accident
The best ideas come out of getting lost. Cornelia Parker
Part two of my adventures home after I passed the bronze statues, and jumped on the train I thought was taking me to the right station, I quickly realized I was heading straight to the opposite direction from where I wanted to go. So, I jumped off just as quickly as I jumped on at the next stop...Newark Military Park. And, a very kind security man showed me the direction of the Newark Broad Street station about 10 blocks away if I cared to walk....Well, I am very pleased that I chose to walk, since I have not explored there before. I am not sure that I had any great ideas, but I certainly did enjoy the beauty of the area. As I looked around, no one seemed to even notice what surrounded them, just bustling on in their daily lives. If I did not come this way I would not have seen the "Wars of America" statue by Gutzon Borglum, comprising two horses and 42 people that was erected in 1926 to honor those dead in America's wars. What an amazing talent, and a good reminder of the price of freedom, and honor for those willing to fight and die for our freedom. Sometimes, the best part of the day can be in getting lost!
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