August 7: 20 years to the day!! Happy, happy!

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Henry Ford

Happy 20th Birthday Caitzi! I can't believe that you are actually 20 today....seems like just the other day that you were born. Also, that you are in a gorgeous place, celebrating life on the beach! At least the tourists have left!!! (I love catching snippets from your life through insta). So happy that Dad managed to get to see you...with flowers and dates....even if for just a few minutes! Know that you are loved! As you are in the middle of college, and learning so many new things - don't ever stop being curious and learning, it will keep you young and feeling twenty forever! As my mother said 'education is never wasted, no matter what you end up doing with your life'.


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