August 1: Newark Station

Nobody, I think, ought to read poetry, or look at pictures or statues, who cannot find a great deal more in them than the poet or artist has actually expressed. Their highest merit is suggestiveness.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

I decided to find a creative way home with the least amount of stress to everybody, so attempted to take the train from the airport to Morristown. So, I successfully made my way to Newark Penn Station, and was then supposed to catch a local line train to Newark Broad Street to catch the line to managed to navigate my way through to there. But, on the way I came across these bronze statues by Grigory Gurevich, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, down a passage on the way to the train siding. They made me stop rushing temporarily, and admire their beauty and presence in the midst of the hustling. In works of art like this, you always find more that what the artist is probably thinking when he created them. These made me stop and be mindful, even if just for a minute, and grateful of today's modern conveniences, because travel must have been so much harder at the time when these figures were portrayed. But then again, it might have been harder, but life was simpler. Made me think that we need to get back to simple, hard-working lives with less to distract us. Also reminded me to make each day count!


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