October 6: Jockey Hollow

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. Jawaharlal Nehru

To make sure that we really take advantage of all that is around us, I have tried to go on at least one little adventure each day, or if it is the normal routine, make an adventure out of something in it. Today I went for a sunset walk to Jockey Hollow. Each time I go there I find something different or surprising. The history of the area is overwhelming, and sometimes I find myself lost in time, imagining when these soldier huts were in use, with hundreds upon hundreds in rows. This was actually an officer's hut, and the only real difference was that it is was not home to quite as many soldiers as the regular huts. The overwintering conditions they were camped out in were appalling by all accounts, it is truly amazing that anyone survived. What it does show is the resilience of people, and that we should never underestimate what we can endure and survive. Each of these little adventures has something to teach, and remind us what to be grateful for!


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